5 Ways to Help Your Child Have Good Dental Experiences

The experiences your child has with their dentist in Foley, AL, will help shape their opinions about the dentist for life. It’s important to help your child have good experiences with the dentist.

Having good experiences with the dentist can also help your child feel confident in their dental health, and feel relaxed when they’re in the dental chair. Below, we’ve listed five things you can do to help your child have good dental experiences.

1. Start Appointments When They Are Young

Take your child for their first dental appointment when they turn one year old. Taking your child to the dentist from this early age helps your child understand that going to the dentist is a routine but important experience. Taking your child to the dentist starting from a young age also helps your child feel comfortable in the presence of the dentist.

2. Speak Positively About the Dentist

Your child learns a lot about the world just by listening to you. When you talk about the dentist, speak positively of your experiences there. Talk about how it feels good to have clean teeth.

3. Read Your Child Books About the Dentist

There are many children’s books about dentists. Read your child books to help them know what to expect when they go.

4. Take Care of Their Teeth

Take good care of your child’s teeth at home. This will help your child maintain healthy teeth and gums, which will make their appointments with the dentist positive.

5. Choose the Right Dentist

Choose a dentist for your child who is experienced with children and understands their unique dental needs.

Is it time for your child to have a pediatric dental cleaning in Foley, AL? Call today to make an appointment.

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