4 Ways to Care for Your Dental Crown

Dental crowns last a long time, but you can make them last longer with proper dental care. The things you do to take care of your dental crowns can help your crowns continue to look their best and avoid damage over time. Your dentist in Foley, AL, can help. At Sand Dollar Dental, we provide dental care and advice to help you maintain your dental crown. Below are some of the tips we provide to people with dental crowns.

1. Brush Using Non-Abrasive Toothpaste

Abrasive toothpaste can scratch and wear down your dental crown. Some toothpastes are abrasive. This helps remove stains on tooth enamel.

For a dental crown, abrasive toothpaste can have the opposite effect. Porcelain crowns have a glaze over the surface of the crown. This glaze gives the crown its sheen and helps protect the crown from stains. Using abrasive toothpaste can wear down the glaze and lead to stains! To avoid problems, use non-abrasive toothpaste.

2. Take Care to Avoid Cracking Your Crown

If you regularly chew on pen caps, ice, and other non-food items, break the habit. Chewing on things that aren’t food can lead your dental crown to become cracked and damaged.

3. See the Dentist Regularly

Visit the dentist for check-ups and cleanings twice annually. This will help your dentist catch problems with your crown before they become serious.

4. Don’t Whiten Your Teeth

Porcelain crowns can’t be whitened. If you whiten your teeth, your teeth will get whiter, and your crown will stay the same shade. Your teeth and crown will no longer match.

Want to know more about maintaining dental crowns in Foley, AL? Call the pros at Sand Dollar Dental today.

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