How Long Does it Take to Get a Dental Bridge?

At Sand Dollar Dental, we’re committed to offering a range of treatment options for missing teeth, includingdental bridges in Foley, AL. Dental bridges are a solution for adults with one or more missing teeth. One of the most common questions we get from people in that situation is how long it takes to get a dental bridge. Read on to learn more about the process of getting a dental bridge, including the reasonable expected timeframe.

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is an oral prosthetic, commonly called a bridge. It’s placed between two crowns to bridge the space created by a missing tooth. The pontic is the part in the gap, and the abutting teeth are on either side. Dental bridges are commonly made from ceramic or porcelain, both of which are cosmetically manufactured to look like natural teeth.

Process of Getting a Dental Bridge

The first step in getting a dental bridge is the initial consultation. During this visit, your dentist will evaluate your oral health, discuss your condition with you, and determine if a dental bridge is the best solution. If it is, the next step is preparing the abutting teeth. Depending on your individual circumstances, this may be done at the same appointment or at your next appointment.

Preparation of Abutting Teeth

To accommodate the bridge, the abutment teeth must be reshaped by removing a portion of their enamel. This step is typically done under local anesthesia to ensure your comfort.

Impressions and Temporary Bridge

Next, impressions of your teeth will be taken. These impressions will serve as a model for crafting your custom dental bridge. While the permanent bridge is being fabricated in a dental laboratory, your dentist may place a temporary bridge to protect the exposed teeth and gums.

Final Placement

After about two to three weeks, your bridge will be ready for final placement. Your dentist will bond the dental bridge into position using dental cement and make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper fit and bite alignment.

Dental bridges offer restored function and improved appearance for adults with missing teeth. Please contact us today to learn more or schedule an appointment with your dentist in Foley, AL.

Can I Wear A Bridge While Waiting For My Implant?

Losing a tooth can be a distressing experience, and it’s natural to want a solution that restores your smile as soon as possible. Dental implants in Foley, AL are an excellent option for replacing missing teeth, but the process can take several months to complete. A common question that arises during this waiting period is whether you can wear a dental bridge to fill the gap temporarily.

Using a Temporary Bridge During the Implant Process

A dental bridge is a fixed dental restoration that replaces one or more missing teeth by anchoring a false tooth, called a pontic, to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. While waiting for your dental implant to heal, your dentist in Foley, AL might talk to you about wearing a temporary bridge to fill the gap and maintain your appearance.

In many cases, wearing a temporary bridge is possible, but it depends on the specific circumstances and the recommendations of your dentist. A removable partial denture, also known as a “flipper,” may be another viable option to consider. These temporary solutions can help you maintain your smile and speech while the implant process is underway.

Pros and Cons of Wearing a Bridge During the Implant Process

Wearing a temporary bridge or removable partial denture while waiting for your dental implant offers several benefits, including:

  • Improved appearance – Filling the gap in your smile can boost your confidence and maintain a more natural appearance.
  • Better functionality – A temporary solution can help with chewing and speaking, which can be affected by a missing tooth.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Additional cost – A temporary bridge or partial denture may come with additional costs that may not be covered by dental insurance.
  • Potential complications – Depending on the location of the implant and the type of temporary restoration, there might be a risk of complications or damage to the healing implant site.

Wearing a bridge while waiting for your dental implant is a possibility, but it’s essential to discuss your options with your dentist. They will consider your individual circumstances and recommend the best course of action to ensure a successful and aesthetically pleasing result. Contact us for an appointment to discuss your dental implant options.