Explaining Cavities to Your Child

If it seems like your child is always getting cavities, you’re not alone. Afamily dentist in Foley, AL, sees lots of kids who just can’t seem to stop getting cavities. Of course, a lot of it has to do with kids eating too much sugar. But some people are naturally more prone to developing cavities, too. One thing that you can do to help improve your child’s oral health is to sit down with your child and explain cavities to them. Here are some tips to consider.

Explain What Cavities Are

The word cavity simply means a hole. So, a cavity is a hole in the surface of the tooth. Teeth aren’t supposed to have holes in them, and cavities develop because of bad bacteria. So if you can get your child to understand that the bacteria eat holes in the teeth, that may be enough of an “ick” factor to make your child think twice about eating candy!

Read About Cavities

There are some really cute kids’ books about cavities and going to the dentist. Pick out a few from your local bookstore and read them together with your child. Try to make this a fun time rather than having it feel like a lesson. At the end of the book, ask your child if they have any other questions.

Ask Your Dentist to Help

At your child’s next dentist visit, ask the dental assistant if they have any props that can help explain cavities to your child. A lot of times, there will be visual aids that help kids to see exactly what’s happening inside the mouth when a cavity develops.

Explain Why Cavities Are Bad

Explain why cavities are bad for their teeth in a gentle way. You might say something along the lines of, “Cavities can make your teeth hurt, especially when you eat or drink something cold, hot, or sweet. If a cavity gets bigger, it can make it hard to chew your food and can even make your tooth sick. That’s why we need to keep our teeth clean and healthy.”

Make sure your child knows that theirdentist in Foley, AL, is there to help. Regular visits help to prevent dental anxiety from developing in smaller kids. Contact us today to book your next appointment!

How to Help Your Little One Brush Their Teeth

Children need their teeth to be brushed twice daily, just like adults. Unfortunately, until they reach a certain age, children lack the motor skills and coordination to brush their teeth properly.

As a parent, you can help your child brush their teeth, and learn the skills they need to be good at brushing their own teeth. Below are a few things you can do to help your child brush their teeth. The next time you bring your child to the dentist in Foley, AL, we can help with this as well.

1. Brush Their Teeth For Them

Until they’re about 7 or 8 years old, children are better off if an adult brushes their teeth for them. Make tooth brushing time a thing you do together, to ensure that your child’s teeth are getting clean when they brush. If your child is resistant to having you brush their teeth, let them brush too. Let them know that you’ll “polish” their teeth at the end, so they’ll expect that you’ll get a turn as well.

2. Brush For Two Minutes

Brush your child’s teeth for two minutes, just like you would if you were brushing your own teeth. You can show your child how to do this by playing a familiar song that’s two minutes in length. Stop brushing when the song ends.

Alternatively, you can also use a sand timer. Whether you’re brushing teeth for your child or they’re brushing their teeth on their own, show them how to use this type of timer.

3. Have the Dentist Give Them a Tutorial

The next time you go to the dentist with your child, ask the dentist to give your child a tooth brushing tutorial. Repeat this process every time you go to the dentist. Your child’s dentist will be able to show your child tooth brushing strategies, and will be able to give your child pointers to help them brush better.

4. Replace Their Toothbrush Regularly

Don’t forget to replace your child’s toothbrush every three months. This helps ensure that every time your child brushes their teeth, their toothbrush is able to do the job well.

At Sand Dollar Dental, we provide tooth cleanings and cavity fillings in Foley, AL to pediatric patients. Call today to make an appointment.

When Should My Little One Start Going to the Dentist?

Your baby just started getting teeth, so when should they see the dentist in Foley, AL? Knowing when it’s time to make an appointment with the dentist can help you stay on top of your child’s oral hygiene needs. In this article, we’ll go over when to make an appointment, why that appointment is important, and what to expect during your child’s first dental appointment.

When to Have Your Child’s First Dental Appointment

Your child needs to have their first dental appointment shortly after they grow their first teeth. Many little ones start growing teeth around 6 months old, so make their first appointment within six months of their first teeth appearing in the mouth. If your child doesn’t have teeth by the time they’re one year old, make the appointment anyway – your child’s dentist will want to see your child anyway, and evaluate them for signs of trouble.

What to Expect During the Appointment

During the appointment, the dentist will introduce themselves to you and do everything they can to make you and your baby feel comfortable. The dentist will want to see in your child’s mouth, but they won’t give your baby the intensive cleaning that they give to adults.

You may have a lot of questions about how to take care of your baby’s teeth. That’s normal. The dentist will be happy to answer your questions and give you advice about how to brush your baby’s teeth, how to tell if your baby is having a dental problem, what kind of toothbrush to use, and so on.

You’ll want your baby to grow up knowing how important dental hygiene is, so you’ll want to make that first appointment with the dentist as soon as your child is ready. Getting your child into the dentist early helps set your child up for success.

Make Your Child’s First Dental Appointment

Is it time for your child to get their first dental examination in Foley AL? The dental professionals at Sand Dollar Dental can help. Call today to make an appointment.